How To Cultivate Inner Peace During Outer Turbulence


One of the most powerful realizations I’ve had in my life is the beauty of surrendering to that which we cannot control.

Easier said than done, but practicing the art of divine surrender has given me so much inner peace and allowed me to stay calm and centered internally no matter what is going on externally. 

I love this quote from Tosha Silver, “The Inner Divine is the witness of all, remaining still and quiet – even during intense turbulence.”

We all have an inner guide that remains the calm and still witness during all of our outer trials.

When we feel disconnected from this inner force of love, it is likely that fear has taken over and started running the show. 

The first step toward confronting your inner fears + returning to love is to bring awareness to them.

You can do this through meditation and/or journaling (I like to do both!). 

Journaling has been particularly effective for me with calling out these fearful attack thoughts.  I also like to start with a mantra or simple prayer such as, “Quiet my mind, Inner Divine, and let your peaceful calm take over.” 

If you’ve already received your Anxiety Relief Care Package from me, you can follow along with the instructions listed below.

If haven’t received yours yet, you can download it for free here.


Guided Journaling 

I love guided journals, particularly for digging deep and bringing awareness to unconscious fears and limiting perceptions/beliefs. (There’s one included in your virtual care package!)

If you would prefer to just follow along and write your answers in a notebook, here are a few prompts to get you started…

How am I feeling right now? Is there a place in my body where I can locate this emotion? What sensations am I experiencing?

What thoughts am I thinking right now? What are my fears?

Would I say I’m in a good space today? If not, how would I prefer to feel? You can also recite the mantra “I am willing to see love instead of fear.”

When I connect to the voice of love within – my higher self – what does it have to say about what I’m thinking and feeling?

What are a few better feeling thoughts?

What self-care practices will I commit to today to soothe + release any negative emotions? What would help me to feel more grounded and calm in the present moment? (Ex. 10 mins. of yoga, a 5 min. guided meditation, having a good cry, etc.) What would spark joy right now?

If these prompts aren’t resonating or if you feel like there is more you need to uncover, you can also try journaling for three pages in an uncensored, stream-of-consciousness way to see what comes up. Once you vent, try writing from the perspective of your inner guide. Sometimes I’ll start my free journaling sessions by labeling the top of the page “SN” as in “Small Nicole,” where I get out all of the feelings of my ego/small self. Then I’ll follow this by writing stream-of-consciousness as “HN” as in “Higher Nicole,” where I try to write from the loving voice of my higher self. I’ve received so many healing messages and gotten so much clarity through this process.


Guided Meditation 

While I love meditating in silence and connecting to my inner guide in that way,  I also enjoy guided meditations, which many people find to be easier (especially if you are new to meditating or prefer to have a trusted guide leading your subconscious mind). There’s one included in your virtual care package as well!

Here is a text version of the meditation, with the key mantras, prayers + loving thoughts I include…

Close your eyes and connect to your breath. Take a deep breath in, and exhale. Breathing in and out… starting to notice any stress or discomfort you may feel in your body. Sending breath to any tension and gently releasing it. 

Let’s begin with a quote and prayer from Tosha Silver. She writes: “The Inner Divine is the witness of all, remaining still and quiet, even during intense turbulence. So take another deep breath and say internally or out loud, ‘Please quiet my mind, inner divine, may your peaceful calm take over.'”

Please quiet my mind, inner divine, and let your peaceful calm take over. 
Please quiet my mind, inner divine, and let your peaceful calm take over. 
I now surrender to you all of my fears, insecurities, and anxiety. Please free me from these painful emotions and let your love take over. 
Please quiet my mind, inner divine, and let your peaceful calm take over. 
I know I am a spiritual being, having a human experience. And I am safe in the Universe. 
I am an infinite being, having a human experience, and I am safe in the universe. 
No matter what temporary discomfort, pain, and suffering I may witness, I know that like all things, this too shall pass. 
I am safe. I am infinite. I am protected. 
I am guided. It will all be OK. I know I’ll always be ok. 
There is a divine timing to my life and I choose to trust in it. 
There is a divine timing to all things, and I choose to surrender to it. 
What is meant for me will always find me and does not depend on my perfection. 
What is meant for me will never miss me. It will always, always find me in the perfect time and way. 
When I don’t know what to do next or feel overwhelmed, I check in with my higher power. I simply ask this inner guide, “What is my next best move?” Please help me to send love to the parts of myself that need it the most. 
“What is my next best move?” 
Listen to any guidance that comes through when you ask this question. 
“What is my next best move?” 
You can follow this question by asking… please, inner divine, now give me the strength to make it. 
Please quiet my mind, inner divine, and let your peaceful calm take over. 
I surrender to you all my worries, please let your love take over and guide me.
I now surrender to love. 

Your Self-Care Tool-Kit 

Journaling and meditation are just a couple of tools you can turn to, but there are so many other amazing things you can put into your self-care tool kit to have at the ready for when you find your mind teetering into fear and anxiety. 

You can find a Self-Care Tool-Kit PDF guide in your virtual care package that maps out a few of my other favorite tools, which include…

Calling someone you love 

Taking a hot bath

Lighting a yummy candle + breathing deeply 

Having a good cry

Cooking a healthy meal 

Watching a comforting movie, TV show, or YouTube video 

Going for a walk 

Doing 10+ minutes of yoga at home (I recommend Yoga with Adriene!)

Saying a prayer to your higher power 

Burning sage, palo santo, incense, and sweetgrass

Indulging in essential oils (I personally love oil diffusers!) 

Listening to a soothing playlist of your favorite music 

Making art just for fun or coloring in a coloring book (included as well!)

Making yourself a cup of tea and reading something uplifting

These are just a few of my favorite tools to manage anxiety, but I definitely encourage you to come up with your own and get in tune with what truly works for you!

What self-care rituals are you committed to practicing today? What is your personal favorite tool in your self-care tool kit? Leave your answers in the comments below, or feel free to email me directly at

Sending lots of love + healing, 



P.S. Please feel free to share this with whoever you feel may need it right now!!


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